
What makes me different?

My unique journey to design

Born in 1984 in Bremen, Germany, I am one of many millennials growing up in a pre-digital era. For me, smartphones and the www were nothing I came across before I was a teenager. Until then, my main influence - besides friends and family - came from magazines, TV and cassettes. The rap, skate and grafitti scene resonated with me quite deeply as well. 

Skipping forward, I studied business and worked in a corporate environment. I did this for over 11 years - until September 2020. It was the moment I realised, it's time to have a bigger impact on the world, by solving problems by design.

As Strategic UX Designer I am merging my business background with design to reveal a creative aesthetic in complex projects. With 12 years of experience in user research, marketing and project management for startups to blue ship enterprises, I will bring a unique edge to your project.


© 2022 Jan-Willem Böttjer
