Designing a digital event web app that helps users explore the university campus.

UX Concept & Design


Academia, Public Sector, University, Online/Digital Event


Create a website experience for the digital OPEN CAMPUS 2021 that allows users to explore the University of Bremen.


Designing a user experience for an online event in a usable and accessable way for a brought target audience and content.

My Role

Web app concept, user experience design (UX), content strategy and direction 


University of Bremen (Germany)


UI design and web developement with Herrlich Media, Map design with Vicky Peucker 


3 month (2021)

Concept Overview

What are the users trying to accomplish while exploring the OPEN CAMPUS website?

User Job Story 

Exploring the University of Bremen - users are seeking a fun way to discover the University's services and research as well as study programs in order to educate themselfs in a particular field of interest. 

What do they gain from it?

- Knowledge
- Information on the University
- Finding new fields of interest
- Get to meet inspiring people

What pain/friction do they experience?

- Overwhelming amount of information 
- Hard to find the right information

Product Solution Statement

An interactive map as central starting point to explore all faculties and tent exhibitions of the OPEN CAMPUS.  

Interactive Map

The user can interactive with the map and explore content about the faculties as well as the OPEN CAMPUS exhibitions by taking a virtual walk across the campus.

Low to mid fidelity prototyping

Iterating towards a usable and accessable application design for a lasting campus walk experience.

Ideation and exploration

Early sketches for a quick wireframing process. 

Horizontal scroll

To support the idea of strolling around the campus first wireframes for the tent exhibition were layed out horizontally.

Interactive map and sidebar

To show the faculties and buildings on the campus a sidebar became part of the concept. 


Both, building and tent exhibitions became accessable via interactive map and additionally via list view.

Reach out.

Let's collaborate on your next event and create an unique user experience. 

Selected work

Uni Bremen Web AppUX Concept and Design

COOK HOUSE Web AppResearch, UX & UI Design

Kate & Carl - food ecommerceUser Research & Business Design


© 2022 Jan-Willem Böttjer
